Advantages and Disadvantages of Intermittent Fasting
What are the health benefits?By relieving the body of the toxins that burden it, intermittent fasting corrects states of fatigue: sleep improves from day 1 and tone…
Principals of Intermittent Fasting
How long does it last?There is no strict duration. “In the context of weight loss, I recommend to my patients an intermittent fast of a whole week,…
Intermittent Fasting : How Does it work?
By depriving your body of food for several hours, intermittent fasting aims to purify your body and lighten it by a few pounds. What are the benefits?…
Intermittent Fasting 16/8
Intermittent fasting 16 8: an effective solution to lose weight? If you are reading this article, it is probably because you are looking to learn more about…
7 Days to Succeed in Intermittent Fasting
We hear you from here asking yourself who can be masochistic enough to inflict such a deprivation on yourself. Six days without eating, seriously? Well, even if…
Low Carb Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan
The (very) comprehensive guide to intermittent fasting Let’s be honest, the first time you hear about fasting, it’s SCARING! And yet, when you start to take a…
Five Tips for Transitioning to a Plant-Based Diet
Make way for plants!Even Bloomberg is talking about it, and for The Economist, 2019 is the year veganism flourishes. Canada’s Food Guide goes precisely in this direction,…
Diabetes A Factor of Undernutrition
In diabetics, screening for undernutrition is essential to limit the complications of diabetes There are many interactions between glycoregulation disorder and nutrition. Several studies seem to associate…
Diabetic Nutri Treatment
Nutritional DietThe diabetic diet is a controlled carbohydrate and fat diet. The amount of carbohydrate is specified by the doctor depending on the type of diabetes, the…
6 Tips for an Anti-hypertension Diet
When one is hypertensive, and even if one is well treated by medication, the place of food remains essential. Here are the foods that should be favored…