Ketogenic Diet to Control Epilepsy

Child Epilepsy Keto Diet

What is the keto diet? If medication isn’t enough to control seizures in epilepsy, doctors sometimes prescribe a ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet is a strict high-fat,…



WHAT IS THE KETO DIET? ALLOWED FOODS, FORBIDDEN FOODS AND TRICKS. What is the keto diet?The keto diet or ketogenic diet combines the intake of foods rich…

Is the Ketogenic Diet for you

Is the Ketogenic Diet for you? Opinion of a Mayo expert

The ketogenic diet is all about eating the right foods in the right proportions. When you do it right, your body will start burning stored fat. The…

World Tour of the Best Diets

What do a Japanese from the island of Okinawa, a Scandinavian and an inhabitant of the Vilcabamba Valley in South America have in common? All have an…