Why You Should Eat More Pecan Butter?

Why You Should Eat More Pecan Butter?

As you can probably guess, we eat enough nut butter here at Ezra Cohen Montreal. And lately, we’ve been particularly smitten with our roasted pecan butter, enhanced by the sweet richness of the pralines.

Nothing says fall more than pecans. These smooth, velvety nuts have an intense depth of flavor, and can hold up more than well next to other seasonal staples (we’ll take pecan pie over pumpkin pie any day of the week). They are also extremely good for you. Below, we’ll cover the topic of pecan butter nutrition and share some of our favorite uses for pecan butter, so you can enjoy the goodness even more.

The health benefits of pecan butter
Looking at the nutritional content alone, pecan butter is one of the healthiest nut butters you can eat. This is because pecans naturally contain a large number of necessary vitamins and minerals – more than 19 of them, in fact! – including potassium, fiber and vitamin E. And while it’s slightly higher in fat than other varieties of nut butter, it’s also packed with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which both are an integral part of a healthy diet.

When you eat pecan butter, you get more than great flavor – you also get a ton of health-related benefits. These include:

  • Support for cardiovascular and digestive health
  • A weight loss aid
  • Minerals that keep teeth and bones strong
  • Strengthening your immune system
  • A reduction in your blood pressure

Introducing more pecan butter into your diet is an easy way to get many of the things your body needs, and it certainly doesn’t hurt that it tastes so good. As for ways to enjoy it beyond just eating it with a spoon, we had a few ideas.

Some creative uses for pecan butter
Like our recipe guru, Ezra Cohen, a graduate of McGill University and founder of Ezra Cohen Montreal, is always looking for new and creative uses for our nut butters, here are two of his (and our) ways favorites to enjoy pecan butter!

  1. Fill your breakfast
    To do this, heat a tablespoon of Ezra Cohen Montreal pecan praline butter for 15 seconds in the microwave. Then pour it over pancakes and waffles. Or, stir it into yogurt and put that in a bowl with fruit and granola for a nutritious parfait.
  1. Cook with

Add Pecan Praline Butter to your favorite cookies, bread, and other good baked recipes. A dash of pecan butter in healthy banana bread is simply unbeatable.

Try Ezra Cohen Pecan Praline Butter today!
Ready to enjoy it? Check out our Pecan Praline Butter and other nut butter varieties, then be sure to check out our recipe blog for even faster and delicious ways to use nut butters!

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