Volumetric Diet Lifestyle Changes

Volumetrics Diet Lifestyle Changes

The authors of Volumetrics recommend lifestyle changes that lead to long-term weight control. Changes include keeping an exercise and food diary and planning ahead for social situations that may throw you a curveball, like parties.

The authors also recommend that you get at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. They suggest that you weigh less than once a week during the weight loss phase.

The book provides a maintenance plan to follow once you have reached your goal weight, or after six months have passed. After you have maintained your weight for another six months, you can start your weight loss plan again.

Is it volumetric effective?
The Volumetrics plan is not a fad diet. It is nutritionally sound and can be effective. Food recommendations are consistent with feeding guidelines promoted by the USDA. The eating plan promotes a healthy, balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and encourages you to limit your intake of saturated fat.

The fact that the plan encourages regular, moderate physical activity is a definite plus. Exercise is something fad diets virtually ignore, despite the fact that regular activity is a vital part of a lifestyle that leads to long-term health and permanent weight loss. Additional tips, like keeping a food diary, will also help you adjust to your new lifestyle.

If the caloric guidelines and food recommendations set forth in this plan are followed correctly, this diet is effective and nutritious. It won’t produce major results very quickly, but instead leads to safe, gradual weight loss of about one to two pounds per week, which is ideal for long-term success.

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