Vinaigrette: 4 Good Ideas to Replace it

Vinaigrette: 4 Good Ideas to Replace it

We repeat every day that you have to learn to eat well every day if you want to be in good shape. To be in shape does not only mean to be muscular and lean, but to be in good physical and mental health. To be careful, it is important to take into account the different sauces and seasonings that are used most often. In this register, the vinaigrette sauce is the queen. Vinaigrette sauce is usually made with wine vinegar, mustard, oil, salt and pepper.

It is true that replacing the more commonly used sunflower oil with olive oil, for example, is already a healthier alternative. However, it is also possible to open up the field of possibilities by experimenting with completely different sauces and seasonings.

Citrus juice sauce
Citrus fruits are a great alternative to salad dressing. It offers multiple benefits in nutritional terms, in particular by their richness in vitamin C, but also in terms of taste since they are slightly acidic.

Vary the flavors by using different citrus fruits or different combinations. Lemon juice, orange juice or grapefruit juice are the top 3 to use. Combine them with a little olive oil for the good lipids, a little mustard and why not a touch of honey for a sweet-salty touch.

Yoghurt or cottage cheese sauce
A yogurt or cottage cheese sauce will be a perfect substitute for the classic vinaigrette in your salads. By replacing the oil with cottage cheese or low-fat yoghurt, you will obtain a sauce more suited to your sports diet.

You can also benefit from calcium intake and probiotics from yogurt.

Also remember to vary the seasoning if you wish with some herbs or spices. You can also consider our protein spice blend.

Soya sauce
Commonly used in Asian cuisine, soy sauce is a perfect vegetable sauce to season your salads or other dishes.

While some use it without additives, it is possible to combine it with lime juice, chilli and why sesame oil for an even tastier sauce. Adding salt will be unnecessary since the soy sauce is already very salty.

It is important to note that there are many benefits to using soy sauce as it is rich in:

  • Probiotics
  • Essential amino acids
  • Antioxidants
  • Vitamins, minerals and trace elements

Tomato juice sauce
Tomato juice is not often used yet it is a perfect alternative to vinaigrette, especially as part of seasoning for your salads.

Tomato juice has the advantage of being low in calories. It is also light so combinations with raspberry vinegar or honey work very well.

Adding herbs and spices to give more flavor to your juice is totally relevant as well. It is also possible to substitute the tomato juice with the juice of another vegetable if you want to be even more original.

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