Sports Trends of 2021

Sports Trends of 2021

we already look ahead to the new year. What trends and developments do we see in sports? And which one could you apply for a slim and healthy 2021?

A healthy weight is important
If we look back to 2020, we cannot, of course, avoid the corona crisis. The pandemic has made the importance of good health and a healthy weight extra clear. Exercise not only contributes to a healthy weight, but also helps to improve your resistance (1).

Exercise still counts for a large part, even though 70% weight loss is what you eat and 30% exercise, sleep, stress, and so on. Read our article about low-carbohydrate eating to see if you are already on the right track in terms of nutrition!

Okay, let’s take a look at which trends you can get started in 2021.

Trends and developments in sports
Sufficient exercise will therefore continue to be important in 2021. Indoors or outdoors, intensive or quiet, together or alone. These are the main trends for the coming year:

Easy sports trend: exercise at home
Exercise at home has increased a lot in recent months. Not surprising of course. I see two major developments here: home gyms and online sports.

Home gyms

With gyms closed for months in 2020, many people have invested time and money in their own workout space at home. You can go a long way with a few resistance bands, a mat, some dumbells and a kettlebell.

The advantages of your own mini-gym: you have no travel time, you train in a tailor-made environment and there are no strangers. Even when the gyms open again, it is not wrong to work at home for half an hour every now and then!

Sports online

Also a development in sport that has been accelerated by corona: many trainers now broadcast their lessons, for example via social media platforms. This way you can train at home, even with your own personal trainer.

The benefits of online sports:

With virtual training, distance and travel no longer exist.
It is flexible and you can do it with almost all types of sports.
You’re not limited to your geographic location, so you can even take classes from well-known US trainers, if you want!
Did you know that we at have recorded our own workout videos? Fun and above all effective lessons, suitable for beginners and advanced learners. For example, follow workout 1 at home, workout 2 at home, or these abdominal exercises for at home!

Intensive sports trend: HIIT
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been growing in popularity for years and this sports trend will remain strong in 2021. Especially since you burn more body fat in significantly less time with HIIT, making it attractive to busy people.

You can also do HIIT at home as you don’t need much space and equipment. A workout can be completed in many different ways with all kinds of exercises: burpees, lunges, push-ups, jumping jacks, planks, and so on.

Tip: on instagram you can follow the hashtag #workoutoftheday. This type of short, intensive programs regularly passes by.

Time-Friendly Sports Trend: Lunch Time Workouts
A consequence of working from home is likely that you will spend your break with colleagues less often. Because it is good to really do something different and not stay behind your computer, I recommend that you get some exercise during your lunch break.

Eat something light, such as a piece of fruit, and then train intensively for half an hour. Need inspiration? I have listed the activities that burn the most calories for you!

You will see that you have plenty of energy for the rest of the afternoon and that you also enjoy it: you don’t have to work after dinner in the evening!

Sports trend of the future: wearables
In recent years we have seen this trend growing: wearables, also known as wearable technology. By this I mean smartwatches and fitness trackers, but also heart rate monitors, GPS trackers.

Wearables collect your data very accurately such as heart rate, calories burned, recovery time, etc. With this data you can perfectly measure your progress, adjust and reach your goals faster.

Fresh sports trend: exercising outside
Well, when the gyms were closed and the weather was good, we just went outside to train. At low temperatures that might be a bit more challenging, but still very good for you!

Go for a walk or run in the woods, sign up for a boot camp in a park or ask your gym if they can organize the group dance class outside. Many people enjoy alternating their indoor fitness routine with exercise in the fresh air.

Always good sports trend: walking
One of the best and healthiest forms of exercise (and for burning belly fat) is long exercise without much effort. Walking remains a great way to do this.

Just walk quietly for 20 minutes a day. In the woods, in the city, in your own neighborhood: walking is possible everywhere. As long as you are outside and constantly on the move. It is best to run at a pace that speeds up your breathing very slightly.

Besides that walking is healthy for you and helps to burn belly fat quickly, it also helps to let the daily stress slide away from you.

I personally enjoy going with someone. Then you can chat right away!

Mindfulness sports trend: training of body and mind
Before corona there was a lot of interest in yoga, pilates and mental training and that has only increased. More and more people want to combine physical training with mental relaxation.

A good connection between body and mind helps you deal with stress. Mindful exercise is on the rise and focuses on a good body-mind balance.

Mindful running

Mindful living can help reduce stress (2). Mindful running combines jogging or running with meditation and breathing exercises. Breathing, posture and the perception of the environment are central to this.

This way of conscious running is done without headphones and smartphones, because only then can you properly observe your surroundings. You focus exclusively on two questions: “How do I breathe?” And “What am I looking at?”.

Mindfulness can be applied in many aspects of your life, including how you eat. Learn How Mindful Eating Can Help You Lose Weight!

HIIT yoga

This is a fairly new sports trend: HIIT yoga or Athletic Flow. Here, HIIT and yoga elements are combined into a full-body workout in which you increase your strength, endurance, flexibility and balance.

The interaction of body and mind is of great importance. The HIIT parts increase the heart rate, the yoga exercises strengthen your stability and strength.

Sports Trends of 2021
We hope that the trends in this article will help you on your 2021 exercise regimen. Go for variety and choose as many different forms of exercise as possible.

Also determine what your goal is. With a clear, well-defined goal, you will achieve results sooner than if you just get started. Also, don’t forget that exercise alone is not enough. Weight loss is determined 70% by what you eat and 30% by other factors, including exercise.

Do you want to get your health and weight under control once and for all and really get started with exercise and healthy eating in 20201?

The Body happiness Weight Loss Program helps you to have a healthy and tasty diet, while you can still enjoy your food. You burn excess belly fat, you get a healthy appearance in your face and you are full of energy all day long!

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