Tips for a More Plant-Based Diet
A MORE VEGETABLE DIET, WHY?There are plenty of good reasons to put more vegetables on your plate. Already for the preservation of the planet. More plants means…
What comes to your mind when you hear the words “plant-based diet”? A sad, hungry soul rushing over soft lettuce leaves and dreary celery sticks? Well, we…
10 Essential Plant Foods
In order to eat less meat and more plant-based foods, you need to fill your refrigerator and pantry accordingly. Once you’ve had your fill of the right…
THE 3 MAIN ADVANTAGES OF A PLANT-BASED DIET The buzz around plant-based diets continues to grow, and so does the curiosity about what such a diet really…
What is a Plant-Based Diet?
Canada’s new Food Guide encourages people to eat more plant-based diet, but does not exclude foods of animal origin. In short, it’s about choosing protein foods from…
5 Good Reasons to Try Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting (also known as sequential or 16: 8 fasting) is a weight gain for shedding pounds and gaining energy. Explanation on this mode of food, where…
Intermittent Fasting : Benefits & Risks
Intermittent fasting or fasting is the subject of much ink. But what are the effects on the body. What are the desired benefits? How does the body…
Intermittent Fasting Carries Certain Risks
An American magazine recently published an article dealing with intermittent fasting. Particularly fashionable now, this practice is the subject of mixed opinions. The publication mentions various negative…
Intermittent Fasting | Tips and Benefits
Intermittent fasting, interval fasting, part-time fasting, or intermittent fasting is a nutritional trend that is getting a lot of attention. This diet offers alternating periods of fasting…
The Cabbage Soup Diet Principals
The cabbage soup diet is one of the very low calorie express diets. Based on soup, it lacks many nutrients. It can cause digestive problems and even…