Military Diet Plan Meals to Lose Weight

The military diet that will make you lose between 4 to 5 kilos in a week

Military Diet Plan Meals

When the motivation ends, the discipline begins. If you are tired of all the failed diets, it is time that you give yourself the opportunity to enter this “militarized diet regimen”

We have a new suggestion, the military diet. It is scientifically proven that a loss of 5 to 10% of body weight is significantly associated with benefits that counteract any comorbidity related to obesity. So do not give up yet, as there is a world of options that may be suitable for you.

The military diet is a hypocaloric eating plan, that is, with a low energy intake; but not as low as recent very low calorie diets like keto that can be as high as 700 or 800 kcal a day or less so don’t stress! That is to say, being from a military regime, it is a somewhat difficult plan, but nothing exaggerated, approximately you will consume between 1100 to 1400 kcal a day, and you can complement it with the training carried out by the marines to lose fat, gain strength and muscles.

Where the Military Plans Diet Meals Come?

It is also called the “3-day diet” and although you actually do it for 3 days, the other 4 days of the week you must maintain a low energy intake (no more than 1500 kcal). It has been estimated that people who have done it have lost around 4.5 kilos in a week and what do you think? you are allowed to eat “fake hot dogs” and even vanilla ice cream.

It is not known for sure who created it, but it is proposed that it was nutritionists to lose weight to the soldiers of the United States. Reason why you can also find it as the navy diet, the army diet, 3-day diet, etc. Although its military use is not really proven, since as you will understand, since it is not a balanced diet, it has its deficiencies, which would lead to poor military performance, but hey, you are not a soldier, so it is feasible to carry it out.

You will not invest more than in the products of the supermarket…
It is an easy diet to do, since it is short-term, you will not have to invest in a book, a product, a supplement or in a follow-up through an expert. In addition, if you are sedentary, you can continue to be, since instead of focusing on burning energy, it focuses on the reduced intake of calories. Although, we suggest you exercise when you do the military diet, since remember that any exercise, even walking, will be beneficial and will help you in the process.

It is important to keep in mind that this is an emergency diet, therefore, it is not expected that your metabolism will be affected in any way, as long as you comply with the designated days, it cannot be a diet as a lifestyle.

Your shopping list, according to the military diet, will be:

  • Coffee or tea
  • Hot Dogs* (turkey sausage without bun)
  • 1 grapefruit
  • Meat of your choice* (white and lean)
  • 2 bananas
  • Peas* (fresh)
  • 2 apples* (green)
  • Broccoli
  • Wholemeal bread* (or grain)
  • carrots
  • Peanut butter* (low sodium)
  • Crackers* (whole grain cracker)
  • Eggs
  • Cottage cheese
  • 3 cans of tuna* (in water)
  • Cheddar cheese* (fresh cheese or panela)
  • Vanilla ice cream* (low fat and low sugar).

The 3 day military diet meal plan

Day 1

1/2 grapefruit

1 slice of toast with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter

1 cup of caffeinated coffee or tea


1/2 cup tuna

1 slice of toasted bread

1 cup of coffee or tea


90 grams of meat

1 cup of peas

1/2 banana

1 apple

1 cup of vanilla ice cream

Day 2

1 egg

1 slice of toasted bread

Half banana


1 cup cottage cheese

1 boiled egg or as you like

5 cookies


2 “hot dogs” but without bread, that is, only 2 sausages

1 cup of broccoli

1/2 cup carrots

Half banana

1/2 cup vanilla ice cream

Day 3

5 cookies

1 slice of cheddar cheese

1 apple


1 boiled egg or as you like

1 toasted bread


1 cup of tuna

1/2 banana

1 cup of vanilla ice cream.

Day 4, 5, 6 and 7
And the remaining 4 days of the week you will maintain a healthy and low-calorie diet. In fact, if you go directly to the site, there is a proposal for this second phase of the diet, although it is not mandatory. It is released a little with preparations such as salads, smoothies, other toasts and even cereal or pasta. In addition, you can already include some snacks!, so you will have a more fit diet if you are one of those who hates going on diets.

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