Lose Weight with the Volumetric Diet: Menu Benefits and Contradictions

Lose weight with the volumetric diet: the perfect menu to achieve it

Lose Weight with the Volumetric Diet : Menu Benefits and Contradictions

Currently, there are numerous fad diets making it really difficult to decide on one. The truth is that it is essential to inform yourself in advance of all the diets that exist and assess the pros and cons of each of them. One of the most popular diets is the volumetric diet, a diet that is characterized by allowing you to eat without reducing the amounts, thus avoiding the many inconveniences that reduce food rations. If you are interested in knowing how you can lose weight with the volumetric diet, in this article we show you what this diet consists of, its benefits and contraindications, as well as what would be the perfect menu to achieve it.

Does the volumetric diet help you lose weight?
The volumetric diet consists of the intake of foods with high satiating power, but very few calories. A way of eating that has been proven highly effective in reducing weight. Thus, foods that have a lot of water and few calories, such as mushrooms, have been revealed as ideal for this type of diet. If you are one of those people who have a hard time dieting, the volumetric diet is one of the best options since it allows you to eat a lot of food.

For this, a diet rich in foods with a large amount of water is designed, avoiding or reducing foods with fats, dairy products and sugars. Weight changes with this diet are more moderate and progressive, leaving time for the body to adapt and not produce the unwanted rebound effect of other diets.

Benefits of the volumetric diet
In addition to reducing the possibility of the rebound effect once we reach the weight we want, one of the great benefits of this diet is learning to enjoy eating only healthy and adequate foods to maintain a perfect and healthy weight. In addition, by eating a greater amount of food with few calories, we will avoid the feeling of hunger that is usually associated with almost all weight loss diets, something really interesting.

It is also really attractive to know that this diet gives us freedom to plan our daily menus by not being a closed and rigid diet and that, by having to include daily exercise in our daily routine, we will end up getting used to making exercise a way to stay healthy and in shape.

Contraindications of the volumetric diet
On the other hand, this type of diet has a series of disadvantages such as having to keep track of the calories of each food we eat. Keep in mind that you have to sacrifice calories for quantity. If not, we will surely gain more weight than lose it. Also, the volumetric diet is very slow and the results are visible in the long term, something that requires that we go on a diet well in advance. On the other hand, it may be difficult for you to eat vegetables on a daily basis if you do not like to eat them more than once in a while. Therefore, it is essential that you learn to eat and feed yourself so that the volumetric diet is a success and you manage to maintain yourself.

What is the perfect menu for a volumetric diet?
Foods that are satisfying and not fattening are those that have a significant water and protein content, little or no fat, and few calories. Among them are green leafy vegetables such as chard and spinach, cucumber, lean meat, skimmed dairy, blue fish and fruits such as strawberries, oranges and grapefruit.

Likewise, in the menu of the volumetric diet, foods with many calories should be avoided, such as fatty meats, semi-cured and cured cheeses, sweets, fried potatoes, sausages and nuts such as pistachios.

n the first weeks we should start with broths, infusions and salads before eating the main dish, being able to have a small fruit as dessert for lunch and dinner. For the diet to be effective we must eat every 3 or 4 hours, season only with a tablespoon of olive oil or ground seeds.

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