Grapes: Nutrition Diet

Grapes : Nutrition Diet

Grapes are one of the most energetic fruits, due to their high sugar content (15 to 20g / 100g).
These carbohydrates are easily assimilated, and of composition equitably distributed between glucose and fructose. Grapes also contain many pigments including Polyphenols, which are more abundant in black grapes, which provide an antioxidant effect against free radicals produced during exertion.

These Polyphenols also have a facilitating action on vitamin C, even if this is only weakly present.

Its mineral composition and richness in organic acids give it an alkalizing property, which will help to buffer the acidity produced by exertion.

The high water and potassium content gives it a diuretic action, favorable to the elimination of waste, provided that the hydration is correct.

By its high content in easily assimilated sugar, and its antioxidant and alkalizing power, grapes are particularly indicated in the recovery ration.

Health Benefits of Grapes

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases: protective effect of Resveratrol naturally present in this fruit.
Decrease in “bad” cholesterol and increase in “good” cholesterol (HDL).
Regulation of blood pressure.
Cancers: by the flavonoids contained in the grains. Protective effect against colon cancer and blood cancers (leukemia and lymphoma, etc.).
Cognitive functions: maintaining active mobility.
Alzheimer’s disease: reduction of memory loss.
Certain fibers contained mainly in the skin and seeds give it a laxative effect when consumed as a grain, a property absent in the form of juice.

Red grains are more antioxidants than so-called white (or green) grains
Red grapes contain a higher amount of anthocyanins, antioxidant phenolic compounds that give them their color.
Grape juice is a great source of manganese for women, and a good source for men.
Grapes are also a source of manganese.
Also think of derivatives …
Wine vinegar. It is used in vinaigrettes, to marinate meats or to deglaze pans.
Grape seed oil. Low in saturated fat and high in unsaturated fat, this oil can be used in cooking and used in salads. It is a good protective oil.
The recovery drink
Grape juice is ideal for making an immediate recovery drink, thanks to its rapid sugar content, the alkalinizing effect of its organic acids, and the antioxidant properties of polyphenols.

► Associated recipe: Grapes and Vanilla Pudding

Nutritional Composition Grapes
Grape 100g
Energy (Kcal) 70
Carbohydrates (g) 15 to 20
Proteins (g) Traces
Fat (g) Traces
Fiber (g) 0.7
Calcium (mg) 20
Magnesium (mg) 7
Phosphorus (mg) 22
Potassium (mg) 250
Iron (mg) 0.4
Vit C (mg) 5
Vit E 0.7

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