Detoxifying Vitamins and Nutrients

Detoxifying Vitamins

In alternative medicine, certain nutrients are considered important for liver detoxifying. Additionally, increased bile flow is considered an important part of detoxification, as bile carries stored fat-soluble toxins away from the liver for excretion in the stool.

According to some alternative medicine practitioners, signs of poor bile flow can include constipation aggravated by fiber supplements, flatulence, dry skin and hair, indigestion one to two hours after eating, indigestion after fatty foods, and small, hard stools.

Detoxifying Vitamins and Nutrients for Liver Support

So far, scientific support is lacking to claim that nutritional supplements and herbs can improve liver function.

choline and methionine

Known as lipotropic factors, choline and methionine supplements are sometimes recommended by alternative medicine practitioners to regulate fat metabolism and increase bile flow.

Vitamin C

A water-soluble vitamin, vitamin C is an antioxidant that is said to help with detoxification and lessen headaches, nausea, and other side effects of detoxification.

milk thistle

In herbal medicine, milk thistle has been used as a folk remedy for liver health. It is said to be an antioxidant, aid in the regeneration of liver cells, and protect cells from exposure to chemical and industrial pollutants or excessive consumption of alcohol or fat.


Artichokes contain plant compounds known as caffeoylquinic acids, which are said to increase the flow of bile and help digest fat.


Beets contain betaine, which is said to promote liver cell regeneration and bile flow. It is also said to promote fat metabolism.


Broccoli and other members of the Brassica family (cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, rutabaga) are thought to support liver detoxification enzymes.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables provide vitamin C.

Protein (amino acids) is required by the liver for detoxification. Beans, legumes, nuts, seeds are just a few examples. Some people may choose to eat fish in moderation.

onions and garlic

Onions and garlic contain sulfur-containing compounds, which are involved in sulfation, the detoxification pathway for environmental chemicals, certain medications, and food additives.

dandelion root

In herbal medicine, dandelion root was used as a remedy to increase the flow of bile. Herbalists sometimes recommend it in tea form.

Supplements have not been tested for safety and due to the fact that dietary supplements are largely unregulated, the content of some products may differ from what is specified on the product label.

Adverse effects are poorly understood because they often go unreported. Also, keep in mind that the safety of supplements in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and people with medical conditions or who are taking medications has not been established. You can get additional advice on using supplements here, but you should always discuss the suitability and possible adverse effects with your primary care provider before trying a supplement.

Use of supplements for liver health
Due to a lack of supporting research, it is too early to recommend supplements to improve liver health. If you are considering the use of supplements, talk to your doctor first. Please note that alternative medicine should not be used as a substitute for standard care.

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