Abdominal or body fat, that great enemy for all those who exercise regularly and who do not see the desired results despite making so many efforts and going through so many hardships day after day. Apart from being one of our worst enemies for health in our day to day and with a view to living for many years.

For today we have proposed to give you some tips and advice about how to lose fat more efficiently; but without going into all that miracle diets that promise to eliminate all your fat in 7 days so that you will never see it again.

9 Tips to Help You Burn Body Fat

  1. Exercise on sunny days
    Exercising in sunlight can increase fat burning by up to 20%; This is due to the production of leptin, which produces a faster movement of the bags of fat that we have in our body.
  2. Introduce whole grain products into the diet
    Especially bread, rice and whole grains, since they provide a feeling of satiety that avoids the intake of other more caloric foods, with a higher content of bad fats for the body. This does not mean that you have to abuse this type of food, since you have to try to follow a varied and balanced diet.

Fat is the great enemy that we have to fight in order to have a better quality of life and less risk of serious diseases

  1. Try not to abuse the salt
    Since they retain fluid, so that fat accumulates in the areas that the body is prone to them. Salt can make you thirsty for high-calorie drinks.

Research by Graham MacGregor, Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at St. George’s University, London, UK, has shown that children who cut their salt intake in half drink two fewer sugary drinks per week, eliminating more than 230 calories from your diet.

  1. Add beans to your diet
    Researchers in California have found an enzyme in red beans that helps burn fat by preventing carbohydrates from being deposited as fat stores and therefore having less fat in our stores.
  2. Play sports in the early hours of the day
    Studies have shown that doing cardio exercise early helps you burn fat faster, in these hours you can lose a kilo more than in later hours.
  3. If you train early, have a coffee before
    Since caffeine makes stored fat more available to burn when you break a sweat.

Some studies show that a coffee just 30 minutes before training on an empty stomach can help activate fat during exercise.

  1. Introduce pool training into your routines

It is one of the sports that burns the most calories per hour and that tones the body the most. About 420 calories per hour are burned doing this exercise, in addition to exercising intensively both the upper body and the lower body.

  1. Dress your meals with extra olive oil
    in this way the circulation of fat improves and burns faster.
  2. Eat oatmeal for breakfast
    It is a food that helps to control weight from first thing in the morning. In addition, oatmeal is a very energetic and healthy food that is used to supplement weight loss diets, thanks to its high content of fiber and nutrients that facilitate the absorption of fat.

Benefits of taking oatmeal before training

  • Helps reduce cholesterol thanks to essential amino acids, fiber and omega 3 acids.
  • It is an antioxidant.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Helps reduce appetite.
  • Improves immune system.
  • It reduces the probability of suffering from type 2 diabetes or mellitus (characterized by a high level of glucose in the blood).
  • They are good for skin care.
  • It has expectorant properties, it facilitates the expulsion of substances contained inside the lungs.
  • It helps you lose weight, which is why it is usually included in weight loss diets, since they help retain less fluids and the fiber content helps to better eliminate fats and toxins.

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